READ: Psalm 119:97-104
How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! —Psalm 119:103
My wife Martie often tells me, “Joe, you eat too fast! Slow down and enjoy your meal.” I’m usually done long before she is, because she takes the time to savor every bite.
I wonder how many of us rush through reading God’s Word without really savoring it. The psalmist said about it, “How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” (Ps. 119:103). That sounds good to me!
What are the benefits of delighting in the rich food of Scripture? A daily meal of God’s Word helps to keep anxiety, pride, fear, and temptation from plaguing our undernourished hearts, and strengthens us for a victorious journey. The Word gives us wisdom and understanding (vv.98-100). And it helps restrain our feet from evil (v.101). Just as our digestive system distributes nutrients to our bodies, God’s Word, when digested, nourishes our minds, our emotions, and our will.
Rather than grabbing the Word on the run just before dashing out the door, it’s important to read it at a time and in a place where we can really fellowship with God.
Take the time and enjoy savoring the richness of God’s Word. —Joe Stowell
Thank You, Father, for the gift of Your Word. Please
forgive us for the times when we’ve rushed through
reading without taking the time to savor the richness
of its meaning. Help us to listen to Your voice.
forgive us for the times when we’ve rushed through
reading without taking the time to savor the richness
of its meaning. Help us to listen to Your voice.
God’s Word provides the ingredients we need to thrive spiritually.
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