Although I felt hyped when I first became a Christian, my good feelings soon went away. Did I lose God? Why didn’t the good feelings stay around?
Picture yourself meeting your favorite celebrity face to face. That would be an experience you would likely never forget. Yet over time you would forget the intensity of the emotion you once felt. But would that mean you didn't actually meet this person? Of course not! It shows that our feelings often come and go based on current experience.
Asking Jesus Christ into your life is far better than meeting another human, famous or not! You've begun a lifelong relationship with the God who created everything! Within this lifelong relation ship will be some good feelings, but more often we won't have--or want--a continual, intense excitement.
The wonder of getting to know someone as loving and forgiving as Jesus Christ has similarities to other relationships you enjoy. There is the initial experience of meeting a person, followed by months and years of growing to appreciate his or her friendship and influence. (Anything worthwhile takes time.)
First John 5:12 assures us that 'whoever has the Son has life.' Once you've genuinely chosen to follow Jesus Christ, you can never lose him. As Jesus once said, 'No one can snatch them away from me' (John 10:28). Them includes you. He'll always be there to guide and love you, even in hard times.
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